Our community, the Sunshine Coast identifies up to 5000+ vulnerable and at risk children every year. With the support of the sector, SunnyKids are able to identify what a family needs and where to find the right services to deliver positive, life changing solutions. The significant impact of domestic and family violence cannot be underestimated, and the plethora of intersecting barriers and considerations can often become so overwhelming and difficult to navigate that further harm can follow. Through our emergency accommodation, strategic case management, our Cooroy Family Support Centre and network, the individuals and families we support can engage with advocacy and support to increase their capacity for change. This aligns with our SunnyKids vision were we have a Village that works towards interrupting intergenerational trauma and abuse.
Within SunnyKids we have numerous programs to support and reach out to our vulnerable families which include programs within schools, our refuge and our community. One of the many programs we offer is our SunnyKids Village Buddies program and through the IFYS network, we ask you to consider becoming a “big buddy” today!
SunnyKids Village Buddies are community members who step up and volunteer their time to be with young people who have a need for another positive adult in their lives. Village Buddies are screened, trained and matched to the many interests and needs of our young buddies. It may be as simple as kicking a ball around in a park, teaching a child to fish or taking a child to sports sessions or art classes. Whether you have regular and consistent time available or adhoc, WE NEED YOU!
With your help, yes you, our new Big Buddy, we can continue our work to ensure every child, family and individual who needs support, can get it!